You must have been familiar with the Baby Jogger mini single strollers which were basically the umbrella strollers.
Now you have Baby Jogger City Mini double stroller with twice the capacity of a single stroller. The basic thing of a double stroller which haunts the layman is the weight and its folding machinery.
This stroller does not weigh much and it is folded in a single step if you know the patent quick-fold technology. It does not weigh much but it can bear a great amount of weight.
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Its features are numerous and cannot be written down briefly but we will try to write down as many best features of Baby jogger City mini double stroller as we could.
Features of Baby Jogger City Mini double Stroller
- One step quick fold technology does not come with a lot of strollers. All you need to do is lift the stroller and pull one of the straps. If you find any difficulty doing it then you can check the procedure from the pamphlet.
- After folding it completely comes to the flat position and you can easily walk through any door carrying baby jogger city mini double stroller.
- Less than 20 pounds it weighs and it can hold 100 pounds of weight.
- Big bubble canopies are present with two clear windows. The canopies are adjustable 3- paneled.
- The wheels are 8” which have steel ball bearings and front wheels are swivel and suspended. The wheels can be removed to ease the folding of the stroller.
These were the best features of this baby jogger city mini double stroller. Now let us see how people took it.
Reviews on Baby Jogger City Mini Double Stroller
The stroller is not heavy but it is built so well that it can swallow any solid baby accessory. Now you don’t have to put all your bodies’ effort in folding the stroller Just one pull and bingo.
A great thing that needs to be mentioned is that the swivel wheels turn 180degrees and you can have smooth steering without a hassle. The wheels are big but not so big that they hinder the folding of the baby jogger city mini double stroller.
The seats are very cozy and the baby does not dip in. The seats recline easily with the stylish hood on the top that blocks the ultraviolet radiations.
The weight balancing in this stroller is great and you can steer it with a single hand. The handle bar is of great height and can be adjusted according to the needs. For the security the restraint straps can be put on. These straps can also be adjusted. The storage beneath the seat is also pretty decent.
The negative things about this stroller are that there is no cup/tea holder in the baby jogger city mini double stroller. And it is not exactly a jogging stroller although the front wheels can be locked but still it is not as good for jogging as it should be.
Although the decision is completely but if you want a double stroller so bad then baby jogger single stroller is the one you should buy.