Safety Aerolite Travel System
Safety aerolite travel system is similar to the safety aerolite sports travel system in almost every regard except for the price. It is half the price of sports stroller and it has got almost all the features of that stroller. It is not completely similar to the safety aerolite sports travel system. It has got some features and pretty unique one that no other stroller has got.
Let us take a look at the feature list first.
Features of Safety Aerolite Travel System
- It has also got the baby on board 35 infant car seat which means a child of 35 pounds can fit in the seat with ease.
- Its folding is quite similar to the other strollers of safety 1st company. Just a pull and of you go.
- After folding the stroller comes to upright position and it can be lifted or transported very easily.
- There is always a child snack tray in every stroller and same is the case with safety aerolite travel system which has got a movable snack tray with cup holders.
- There is a parent organizer tray as well and it also contains two cup holders.
- Apart from the underneath storage basket it got some mesh pockets in the sideways and at the back of the stroller. These mesh pockets were absent in the sports stroller of safety 1st company.
- The stroller is very well built with light frame aluminum. It is strong that is why it can hold a total weight of 50 pounds.
- It can be oriented to two different directions i.e. forward facing and rear facing. This is a very unique feature which is not very common in the every day strollers.
- The ergonomic handle is another feature that needs to be mentioned in the feature list. This handle improves the overall steering and maneuverability of the stroller.
Let us see how people picked this stroller up. Did it get good ratings or bad? Let us find out.
Reviews on the Safety Aerolite Travel System
This stroller is another beauty in the market and it has beat down a lot of other strollers in the market. The folding of safety aerolite travel system is pretty unique. It folds to a complete standing position which is very uncommon in the strollers of this type. If you have got standard tools the assembling of this stroller remains the easiest job of your day. Just tug in the wheels and adjust the bar of the canopy and your safety aerolite stroller travel system is ready. It has got a lot of padding on the seat which makes a comfortable ride for your baby.
The only cons that have been reported about the safety aerolite travel system are;
The car seat canopy is a bit short and sometimes it does not cover the whole sun. The stroller stands to the upright position on its own which is somewhat annoying.
Safety aerolite travel system is a great buy and if this is totally the stroller you want to put your money onto.