The First Years Wave Stroller Review 2020
If you want a durable, multi positioned and smart stroller then the first years wave stroller is something you should be looking onto. This stroller completely fits the 6 months baby up to the 50 pounds child. The baby seat is multi positioned.
You can change the seat from front faced to rear faced without any complication. This stroller can be modified and the best modification is the conversion of baby seat from infant to toddler. In short this can be the ideal stroller for your baby.
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Let us take a look at the specification of this stroller before coming to any conclusion.
Specifications of First Years Single Baby Stroller
- This is a euro styled modified stroller which can support up to 50 pounds.
- The frame of this stroller is very unique. It does not really resemble any other traditional strollers.
- Not every stroller has the adjustable handle height. Most of the strollers have the fixed height that is why it causes alot of problems for the tall parents. This stroller has the not the adjustable handle height but a firm grip to hold upon.
- A huge console for the parents and the storage basket is also pre installed in the first years wave stroller. The storage basket is placed in the lower side of the stroller.
- In case you are worried about the stroller security then you need not to, as this stroller has the 5 point harness system plus the brakes in the rear wheels that offer complete security.
- This stroller has big wheels almost 7” front wheels and the 11” rear wheels that allow your stroller to move swiftly on any surface.
- You have a removable canopy in your first years wave stroller which will counter any weather.
- If your baby feels sleepy you can always recline the position of the baby seat in whatever position you want to.
A lot of features have been discussed. Now let us move to the reviews section.
Reviews on First Years Wave Baby Stroller
The first years wave stroller has got numerous positive points like the locking at the front wheels that twirl whenever you press the lock button and the wheels are made up of rubber not plastic. The seat position can be changed very easily with only twisting the handle. Now you don’t have to remove the entire seat for changing the seat position. The bumper bar can be removed easily. The brakes are very cool if you get used to them. Just one press it locks and with another press it unlocks the wheels.
The cons are not very convincing. For example, basket is good but it is a bit small to fit diapers, you can put in some stuff but not much. This stroller unfortunately has no cup holder and a child tray but these things can be bought separately by paying extra money. If you want to fold the base you need to twist the entire seat which is annoying.
Apart from these cons there is nothing wrong with the stroller. It has a decent price with the features it offers. It deserves a chance.